

━━ n. 【史】ガレー船 ((かい(oars)を備えた帆船,奴隷にこがせた)); (古代ギリシア?ローマの)戦艦; (艦長用)大型ボート; (船?航空機の)炊事室; 【印】ゲラ.galley proof 【印】ゲラ[校正]刷.galley slave ガレー船をこぐ奴隷; こき使われる人.

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Haemophilus world: the body of 30, two in the second chapter, damages

S usually arduous journey, Seoul 'as [888 I artifacts ranging from law classes are in love thief, and now The use stolen anything, this problem is to find a way Oh Caixing resolved. Later, we finally discuss the trade union or mercenaries, was Statements B-level work. Trace: the shortest time Chishui City [888 I Love You can find the thief] who, where, the task will be issued for each major city gold 10000, issued by the task: the non-human "world" is The reward system and the players union mercenaries, mercenary issue of course with some tasks, trade unions, the four major cities one can, in order to provide a lot of gold on your system, tracing I want to work, we will not include players that have spent 20,000 more than gold, 1000000. Be made only after the goods provided by the delegation of funds and some gamers are mercenaries

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